The Post Where I Cram A Bunch of Info into One Update

Ever since we moved back from Wyoming, we've been living in an apartment. Honestly, I haven't had to live in an apartment setting in YEARS and it's quite an adjustment. I have had to come face to face with the fact that not everybody wants to be what I consider to be a good neighbor and I just have to deal with that. And I am but sometimes it's not easy but it's life.

There has been so much going on since we moved back to sunny Arizona. We are no longer homeschooling. That's right, she is in fourth grade at our local public school. I love her school and am thankful she's had great teachers so far! 

Speaking of our kiddo, she's ten now and growing up so fast. She is in orchestra (viola anyone?) and choir as well as a drawing class. She is especially fond of drawing. I thank my niece for her awesome influence in that.

And, what am I doing with all my free time you might ask? I have a part-time job! I've been working at in their warehouse and I can't tell you how much I've enjoyed being in such close proximity to all their beautiful products. Haha, and no, this is not sponsored.

My goal is to get back to blogging in a more consistent way because I truly love talking with you here about life. 

So, what's new with you?

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