Four Years In Wyoming

I'm not sure how it's possible that we have been here for four years already. Sometimes it seems like yesterday that we were packing up, saying "goodbye" to family and friends, and driving up here. I remember how hard of a transition it was for me due to the fact that I was freezing all the time. The kiddo was three and a half when we moved here which means she has officially lived here over half her life. I'm not sure she actually remembers living in Arizona at this point. That seems insane.

There is not a lot of variety as far as restaurants and things to do, unless you want to venture into Colorado, which most people do. I don't want to always drive 45 minutes to go to Trader Joe's or an Indian restaurant or Lane Bryant but I do occasionally make the trek. I used to think it is hilarious that people would complain about traffic sometimes. "I mean, seriously haven't they ever seen a bit city?" But, I get it now. For Wyoming the traffic can get frustrating, especially during Frontier Days when the city swells to more than three times the people than normal, I've heard, but don't get me started there.

Photo credit: Debs

Something I adore about this climate is the fact that for much of the year it is unpredictable. You can go to bed one night not expecting snow and wake up the next morning with it. Seeing our daughter enjoying the snow makes me happy too. We do still struggle with the dryness of the climate. Honestly, I'd think that the hot, dry Arizona climate would be worse, but for us it is so much more dry here. Altitude? I should buy stock in moisturizer and humidifiers.

Still, I wouldn't change it. I do love it here. Wyoming is absolutely beautiful. The state is large and can be very different depending on where you go. Open plains, desert (cold desert), mountains, forests, and all of it beautiful, some of it is the most spectacular scenery you will ever see in your life and I haven't even gotten to see most of it yet. Outdoor adventure abounds. I love nature. Well, as long as it doesn't get on me too much. However, if you love long summers, this isn't the place for you. Winter seems to last from October to May. There will always be a part of me that misses Arizona. It is gorgeous and we have so many people we love there. I guess it just comes down to this.
Bloom where you're planted...even if it means getting snowed on from time to time.


slehan said...

I live in Colorado and we always drove up to the Tetons for our vacations. My favorite place.

slehan at juno dot com

cindy hedgepath said...

I would love to visit Colorado, I have always heard wonderful things. It's one my bucket list.

Unknown said...

I probably wouldn't be crazy about the snow, since one reason I moved to California from Minnesota was to not have to deal with Minnesota winters! :P However, I do know some people who moved to Wyoming and they say it's a beautiful state with the great nature!

Sarah said...

Well I live in Minnesota and also have snow most of the year lol.. Wyoming looks beautiful. Maybe a vacation there would be great.

jillj said...

I live in Florida and can not imagine living in a place where it is so cold let alone snowy. We complain about traffic when the "snowbirds" come down but then I remind myself that if it is this bad in a small town an hour from any normal shopping how bad it must be in those Cities. I do like your Bloom where you are planted and maybe if the opportunity presented itself I would have packed my bags too.

CJ said...

i never had the pleasure of visiting wyoming, but all my friends who has been there have nothing but nice things to say about it. i love winter (which makes me an oddity in my family, lol!) so it sounds like a place that i would love to see! :)

Unknown said...

Wow! You have such a great attitude. I did the opposite-moved from a colder state (Wi) to Nevada (Las Vegas). I had a hard time adjusting to no season changes. I missed the green trees and grass, but I learned to really like it there. After 6 years we moved back to Wisconsin. Hoping to retire someday in the south, lol.

Edna Williams said...

I probably would like visiting! Thanks for sharing!