With New Year 2018 just behind us, some of you might be thinking about resolutions. Most people resolve to stop doing something like smoking or start working out. I've been there. Well, I don't smoke but I mean resolving to make changes. There is nothing wrong with that. Heck, I made the resolution in October to change the way I was eating and break food addiction using the Ketogenic way of eating. With God's strength, I am succeeding at this goal.
What makes me nervous about New Year's resolutions specifically is the fact that most people will not stick with them. I saw a statistic recently that said only 8% of people who make a New Year's resolution will still be sticking with it by the end of the year. Eight freaking percent. So, it made me wonder. Why do people give up on eating healthier? Why have I failed in the past?
1. Not prepping for life.
Huh? How do you prep for life anyway? Well, what I mean by this is thinking ahead for what could or will be happening. I am very deliberate now in making sure I plan to eat well. If I am doing something I plan out what I might be able to eat. If there's nothing, I either eat beforehand or bring something with me. It takes more thought but it saves me every time.2. Haven't dealt with the past.
We all have some sort of baggage from our past. Some of us, have more than others. I truly believe that the pain we've experienced can be a huge blessing because it helps us help others. That being said, we need to deal with the things that try to destroy us or we will never be in a healthy place. I truly recommend Celebrate Recovery, if you have one near you. It sounds scary but it's not just for people with addictions to drugs or alcohol. It's for any type of struggle or hang up.3. No support team.
If you can't find support in your family or friends, make some new friends! Find a support group or even a Facebook support group. Even though I have tons of support in my family or friends, I'm part of several on Facebook including one specifically for Keto-ers. It is so helpful!4. Never putting yourself on the to-do list.
I wouldn't say "put yourself first" because I think that attitude can be selfish and destructive. I would say, don't forget about yourself. You have value. You matter too. Take the time to take care of yourself.5. Being afraid of change.
Life is change. That's what they say but change can be scary. The unknown has always made me tremble a bit. I struggle with being a control freak if you can't tell. It's stressful and I don't want to live the rest of my life that way. So, I had to make a conscious decision to step outside of what I'm comfortable with and let it happen for my own good.I say all this not to discourage you but to spur you on toward reaching your goals. You can do it!
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