Keeping the Magic in Christmas

Do you remember awhile back I told you that our 9 year old no longer believes in Santa? She asked point blank and I felt compelled to be honest. It was a tough, spur of the moment decision. Initially, she handled it well but over time I fear she has really struggled with the truth.

I think she feels the magic is slipping away and it makes me sad. I would love to go back in time just to see her little face light up at the thought that Santa had been there. Part of me wishes that we could freeze time a bit. Anyone else? So, I thought it would be helpful to make a list of things we can do to help keep the magic in Christmas.

1. Give. When you give gifts to those in need you are automatically in the right frame of mind for Christmas. It's so important to let others know we are here and that we care. 

2. Decorate. There's something innately magical about the glow of Christmas lights and the bright cheery decor this season brings. I often wish we could leave everything up year round and sometimes I try but unfortunately this season is fleeting. So, I try to enjoy it while it's here. 

3. Traditions. The things we do year in and year out are the memories we will carry on as the years pass. I will admit I am not always great about being consistent with things but I try and that's all that matters.

4. Volunteer. Giving our money and gifts are one thing, but giving our time is even more special. We are typically running around like crazed elves this time of year. When we deliberately set aside time to be a blessing to others, it means something.

5. Create your own gifts. I realize we aren't all crafty. However, I truly think there are crafts and gifts to be made by anyone. If you aren't the craftiest person in the world I would venture a guess that you know someone who is quite the crafter. Ask them for ideas or help. It would be fun in the process.

6. Spend time with each other. Make time to enjoy each other's company. Go look at Christmas lights. Watch a Christmas movie. Have a fun games night with friends and family. Decorate Gingerbread houses together. There are so many options!

I hope you and your family have a wonderful and magical Christmas!

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