10 Tips for Perfectly Wrapped Presents

If you're anything like me, you love picking out the perfect gifts for your loved ones. But, that joy ends when I need to wrap said gifts. In fact, I've been known to put it off and then be hastily wrapping presents on Christmas Eve. Not my finest moment. I've put together some ideas for you (and me) to make wrapping presents a cinch!

1. Begin wrapping earlier than usual. That procrastination will only end up biting you later. 

2. Use double-sided tape. This is one tip I love. It makes your gifts look much more professional.

3. If you struggle with making straight lines, use a rotary cutter and a ruler. I cannot cut a straight line to save my life. A rotary cutter is a perfect solution!

4. Consider using kraft paper. I find it is usually more forgiving than a patterned paper. It doesn't look wonky if you wrap it slightly askew. 

5. Get up off the floor or couch and find a table to wrap on. I know. You're comfy. It's easier than cleaning off the table but trust me, it's necessary.

6. Use decorative washi tape. Especially if you take tip #4 this will be adorable. There are many, many different washi tapes available with adorable designs. It's a simple way to add pizzaz to your gifts.

7. Put everything in a box. Trust me here. Boxes automatically make your gifts look more polished.

8. Wrap as you buy your presents. This way you never end up with a huge pile to wrap at once. This goes along with tip #1 of course.

9. Spend a little extra to get thicker wrapping paper. It's so easy to buy the cheapest paper. I get it. Who wants to spend more money on something that gets crumpled up in five seconds flat? But, here me out. If you want your presents to look pretty, thicker paper will help you. I particularly like the paper at Hobby Lobby.

10. Don't forget a gift tag! You can use store-bought or easily make them yourself. Check out the list of free printable Christmas gift tags I compiled *HERE*.

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